T-Persona: free personality test for the workplace
A personality test based on Holland’s professional interests and Big Five
The T-Persona test has been rigorously validated scientifically.
The test takes no longer than 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
T-Persona features easy-to-understand items and is suitable for anyone aged 16 and over.
It can be used for:
T-Persona Test
An analysis of 5 dimensions and 2 facets per dimension
” The goal? Get to know yourself better, so you can better plan your professional future. “
A detailed, easy-to-understand report
Un premier rapport simple et gratuit est automatiquement généré après la passation en ligne.
Free test with simple report
- The personality profile obtained from T-Persona depends on the accuracy and honesty of your answers; these may be affected by the conditions in which you find yourself at the time of the test.
- You should be comfortable in a quiet environment, with no distractions or interruptions. Switch off your cell phone and close your mailbox.
- Let those around you know that you don’t want to be disturbed. It’s also a good idea to answer T-Persona when your attention level is at its highest.
There is no time limit on the test. It’s best not to dwell too long on individual items.
Your first idea is often your best.
Are you ready?