Originally, the 4th industrial revolution.
Starting in the 1950s, the 3rd Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, was characterized by automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and network connectivity. It radically transformed industries by automating processes and improving efficiency.
The 4th Industrial Revolution, which we are currently in, encompasses advanced artificial intelligence (1), robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy storage and transmission (2), quantum computing (3), and more. It is characterized by the interconnection of humans and machines, and the convergence of the physical, digital, and biological worlds.
Advances in personalized medicine, sustainable development, and energy efficiency are also major elements of this revolution. Digital data has become the new oil.
In addition to the economic changes it brings and the new models that need to be invented, it also carries with it profound social, political, and ecological (4) changes.
New jobs (5) will appear, while others will be deeply transformed.
What makes this revolution seem scarier than the previous ones?
Each revolution brings with it its own set of fears and opportunities.
And every past industrial revolution has been no exception.
During the first Industrial Revolution, when humans transitioned from the cart to the steam engine and the mechanization of manual tasks, they were afraid.
Then, when they had to insert themselves into mass production chains, they were still afraid.
Finally, during the 3rd industrial revolution, when robotics, electronics, and computing arrived, they were still afraid.
Each revolution has therefore brought its own uncertainties and “reptilian” reactions (6).
According to Max-Neef’s theory of fundamental human needs (7), the emphasis is on satisfying these fundamental needs in order to achieve a comprehensive and balanced quality of life:
- Subsistence: The basic need for food, water, shelter, and other essentials for survival.
- Protection: The need to feel safe, both physically and psychologically.
- Affection: The need for social relationships, love, belonging, and emotional support.
- Understanding: The need to understand the world around us, to acquire knowledge and develop skills.
- Participation: The need to participate in social, political, cultural, and economic activities.
- Leisure: The need to have fun, relax, and enjoy life.
- Creation: The need to develop creativity, express ideas, and contribute to the creation of new things.
- Identity: The need to feel in harmony with one’s own identity, to respect oneself, and to be recognized by others.
- Freedom: The need to make decisions, choose one’s own life, and live without excessive constraints.
Unlike Maslow’s pyramid, this approach does not rank needs, emphasizing that their importance varies depending on culture and individual context. It considers that the pursuit of these needs can lead to sustainable development and human well-being.
Whether it’s a 4th industrial revolution or not, these fundamental human needs will have to be met, each with their own importance.
But then, what approach should be adopted?
Yes, this industrial revolution compresses time.
Everything is moving much faster, the time scale is accelerated.
But in the end, the 4th industrial revolution is just one topic among many.
It covers, non-exhaustively, some of the following issues:
- How do we as humans integrate into this world of tomorrow?
- How do we ensure that social inequalities in this virtualized, accelerated, and contradictory information-filled future world do not increase?
- How do we innovate in a constantly changing world?
Education, training, individual and collective responsibility must adapt and evolve.
Humans must and will reinvent themselves.
All fields are affected: law, banking, insurance…
Even so-called manual jobs will have to adapt.
And that is why education, from kindergarten to higher education, must deeply change so that our flexibility and critical thinking are at the heart of learning.
Our mindset must change.
Personal protection against virtual attacks, understanding the causes and consequences of personal and collective choices, the meaning of words, reflective practice (8)… must be taught and mastered from a young age.
And what if we learned to know ourselves better?
In order to evolve and evaluate oneself in this world that is increasingly condensed in time, the best thing is to learn to know oneself.
- Mindfulness meditation: These practices help to center oneself and observe thoughts and emotions without judgment. They can reveal unexplored aspects of the personality.
- Constructive feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from loved ones or colleagues. Their perceptions can offer valuable external perspectives on oneself.
- New experiences: Get out of your comfort zone. Try new activities, hobbies, or even professional challenges. Each new experience can reveal unknown qualities or passions.
- Reflection on values and goals: Take the time to reflect on what really matters to you. What are your fundamental values? What goals do you want to achieve in life? This reflection can clarify a direction and motivations.
- Relationship analysis: Examine the nature of our relationships with others. What types of people do we attract? How do we interact in different social contexts? This can say a lot about emotional needs and personality traits.
- Literature and Art: Reading, cinema, music, and art in general can be mirrors of the soul. Identify works that touch us deeply and ask why.
- Therapy or Coaching: A professional can guide you in your reflection, offering tools and perspectives to better understand yourself.
Psychometric tests are a choice complementary tool for unlocking one’s potential. Therapists and coaches use them to complement their analyses and gather factual data.
It is a science, not magic, that precisely measures reasoning abilities, personality traits, professional interests, and much more.
They provide concrete data on the internal functioning of the human.
They transform the subjective aspects of personality into objective information, facilitating a rational analysis of strengths and weaknesses.
Each score and each evaluation derived from these tests are levers for action.
They offer clear guidelines for personal development, career guidance, and improving interpersonal relationships.
As Jean Guitton said,
« The best way to predict the future is to create it. »
Jean Guitton, French philosopher and writer